Peppermint and Evening Primrose - our favorite oils for August | My CMS

Peppermint and Evening Primrose – our favorite oils for August

Our favorite oils for the beautiful month of August are Peppermint and Evening Primrose. Here are the profiles of these wonderful plants:

Family: Labiatae
Peppermint Essential Oil

Extraction: Leaves / Flowering Tops

Extraction Method:
Steam distillation

Country: England, France

Chemical Group: Alcohol, Ketone

Actions: Antispasmodic – cardiac & respiratory, Anti-inflammatory – intestinal & urinary, Carminative – nausea

Uses: Should be a part of every traveler’s first-aid kit, relieves itching- pruritus & eczema; for general asthenia as it strengthens and regenerates the liver; for all digestive problems; excellent for reducing/treating fever and headaches

Blends well with:

For respiratory: blends well with Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender, Spike Lavender
For skin: blends well with Bergamot, Tea Tree, German Chamomile, Myrrh, Patchouli, Rose
For digestive system: blends well with Cardamon, Coriander Seed, Citrus Oils, Black Pepper
For nervous system (pain): blends well with Ravintsara, Nutmeg, Clove Bud, Geranium

Contra-indications: Topical applications only, need to be limited to small areas e.g. temples; not to be used on infants less than 30 months old; avoid in case of epilepsy

Promotion Price (while stock is available): $150 $98 (10 ml)

Family: Onagraceae
Evening Primrose Carrier Oil

Extraction: Seeds

Extraction Method: Pressing

Country: North America

Chemical Constituents: Fatty acid, in particular gamma linolenic acid (GLA)

Uses: For dry, itchy skin or skin irritations, wrinkles, scars, PMS

Blends well with: Blends well with Jojoba and Almond as a carrier oil base

Contra-indications: Epilepsy

Promotion Price (while stock is available): $310 $202 (100 ml)

Both our favorite oils of the month can be purchased here:
August Promotion Corner